Thursday, June 5, 2008


I have had this card for about 10 years and it is currently pinned up at my desk behind my computer monitor. For some reason I grabbed and read it today.

The infinity of stars in the darkest night sky is there to remind us there is nothing that can keep the mind from dreaming and the heart from hoping.

So many things going on right now. Where do I start? Mexico was wonderfully perfect. It was so important for me to be down there when I was. I have days where I really miss my Dad but I know deep in my heart that he is still with me. We went to Canucks on the 26th and a few of us ordered White Russians then we all toasted to my Daddy. Ruby and Mindy both sang for my Dad and I got them each a rose.
My friend Jackie seemed to have a really good time down in Mazatlan as well. Even Steve seemed to enjoy himself. It was also great to meet Jorge FINALLY!!!

My Mom and step-dad are on their way to Phoenix as we speak. Their plane arrives at 2:00pm this afternoon. They will be here for about a week. They will also take a couple of days and go visit Yuma.

Alex wants to come home. As much as I would love to have him home with me I am unsure of what is really going on. I had a good talk with him on Monday (or was it Sunday??) I told him that there was a reason he left and he needs to figure that out. We talked about cause and effect and he grasped things very well. Anyway, we will see what becomes of this latest venture.

And speaking of adventures - I guess Arynn and Adam will not be down this summer. Arynn told us that Debbie will not allow them to see their father unless he sends her drug test results and starts treatment. GRRRR that makes me so MAD!! Treatment for WHAT???? HE'S NOT DOING DRUGS!! Unless Italian Ice is a drug that Wal-Mart sells not knowing it is a drug! I mean, it is addictive and so yummy! But come on people! So Arynn is going on and on about how mommy says this and that but she doesn't want us telling Debbie any of it. What is that about? We can't defend ourselves? Then Arynn says how there is a 35% chance she can come down and Steve told her no, that it is a 0% chance.

Oh - and the family reunion is June 28th. I am 95% sure I am going to go. Even if I drive over Friday night and come home Sunday. :) Just gotta figure out where to stay. Travel budget is tight after Mazatlan. Maybe I can arrange to visit and stay with my Uncle - mom's brother. The reunion is on my Dad's side.

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