Monday, March 17, 2008

Just another day in paradise

I tried starting a new entry a few times last week, but never got very far. It was just one of those weeks.
Sunday, March 9, after fighting headaches for about 2 weeks, I couldn't take it anymore. And the pain was the worst ever! So I took myself to an Urgent Care where they told me I had a screaming sinus infection. They gave me antibiotics, decongestants, and pain killers. They also told me to follow up with my regular doctor if I wasn't feeling better in a couple of days. I stayed home from work on Monday with the grand hope of feeling better and going to work on Tuesday. Yeah, well, that didn't happen. I was at my doctor's office Tuesday morning still feeling crappy as ever. He took me off of the Vicodin and put me on Percocet. He also gave me a muscle relaxer and a shot which was an anti-inflammatory. I finally made it in to work on Wednesday, but pushed myself a bit hard and came home early on Thursday to get more sleep. As of today, I still have a headache even though it isn't as bad as it had been. I have also been sneezing all morning! I am so tired of it all!
On a happier note - on the 9th I also called Alex! We had texted on the 8th as well. It was soooooo excellent to talk to him. We also talked last night. He is on Spring Break this week but is going to California to see Auntie Roz. He sounds good, and is enjoying school. I sure miss him though. He added me back on MySpace and we have also been emailing via Yahoo. YAY!!
For a bit of humor - Thursday as I was sitting on my bed chatting with David, I notice a bit of blood. My first thought is "Oh great! One of the cats got Ariel again." Well, no... she went into heat. When I say this, David gives me a puzzled look. I ask him if he knows what that means and he says no. So I tell him "She started her period." That he understood, and he responded with a resounding "EEWWWWWW! That's gross, Mom!" I carry Ariel into the bathroom and put her in the sink just to verify that it is not a kitty related injury. Steve asks what I am doing, so I tell him that I think Ariel is in heat. David then asks the million dollar question "Can't you just give her one of your tampons?" LMAO! I think Steve fell off of the potty he was laughing so hard! Ariel is now using diapers for parts of the day. I will post pictures soon!
I have decided to take a little break from school. My current class ends on March 24. My cousin is coming from California for my birthday, and my mom might come too, so I decided to put off the start of my next class until April 22. Steve is also going to take a bit of a break, so that will give us some time to just relax for a bit. I hope I remember how to do that!!

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